Walk with a blessing
M.C TG on 05/19/2023

Walk with a blessing

In 1799, twelve-year-old Conrad Reed found a large, shiny stone in a stream that ran through his family's small farm. He took it to show his father, a poor immigrant, who did not understand the potential value of the stone and used it to hold the door. For years, the family walked past her.

Unusual bravery
MC. TG on 05/19/2023

Unusual bravery

In 1478, Lorenzo de' Medici, ruler of Florence, Italy, escaped an attempt on his life. His fellow citizens provoked a war by trying to take revenge for the attack on their leader. When the situation worsened, the cruel King Ferrante I of Naples turned Lorenzo's enemy, but one act of courage from him changed everything. He visited the king, alone and unarmed. This action, plus his charisma and brilliance, earned Ferrante's admiration, and the war ended.

In the end
M.C TG on 05/19/2023

In the end

I am often given the privilege of leading spiritual retreats. Taking a few days to pray and reflect can be very enriching. During the program, I sometimes ask the participants to do an exercise: “Imagine that your life ends and you publish the obituary in a newspaper. What would you like me to say?" As a result, some change their priorities, aiming to end their lives well.